Downloadable Products (eBooks/ePDF/ePub/Audiobook)

What is an eBook?
An eBook is a non-editable, reflowable book that is converted to a digital format to be read on any digital device such as computer screens or mobile devices.
What is an ePUB?
An EPUB file (short for electronic publication) is in the Open eBook file format. You can download EPUB files and read them on your smartphone, tablet, e-reader, or computer. EPUB files can be opened in most eBook readers, including the B&N Nook, Kobo eReader, and Apple's Books app. EPUB files have to be converted before they're usable on the Amazon Kindle. EPUB files can also be opened on a computer with several free programs, such as Calibre, Adobe Digital Editions, Apple Books, EPUB Reader, Stanza Desktop, Okular, and Sumatra PDF.
What is an ePDF?
Encapsulated Portable Document or ePDF is a common format for eBook reading. The format maintains its layout for complex documents and as result, cannot be resized or reformatted. Most devices that have the Adobe Acrobat Reader allow you to open and read ePDF documents. Created by Adobe, ePDFs are known for their ease of use and ability to maintain high-end designs and formats. Because they hold their format and aren’t reflowable, they can be difficult to read on a small screen and have limited interactivity.
How do I purchase an eBook?
You can search, browse, and select your eBook just as would a printed book.  Once you find the book that you want you may select either the ePUB of ePDF eBook format and proceed to the checkout process. Your confirmation email will contain your eBook download link.
How do I download an eBook (ePDF/ePUB)?
You can find your eBook by clicking the link in your confirmation email and downloading it to your preferred device, or you can log into your account and navigate to 'My Downloadable Products'.
Where is my ePub located after downloading?
We encourage all users to save their eBooks to a designated folder on their devices for easy access.
Where is my ePDF located after downloading?
We encourage all users to save their eBooks to a designated folder on their devices for easy access.
How many times can I download my eBook? allows you to download your eBook as many times as you'd like. This allows you to download the file to your desktop, laptop, eReader, or any device capable of storing an eBook.
What type of file are the Audiobooks?
All audiobooks on are MP3 files. MP3 is the most widely used audio file format and because of this almost all audio playback applications are able to open MP3 files
How do I send my eBook to my friend/family member as a gift?
To send your eBook to a friend or family member, you will need to send the eBook file you downloaded as an email attachment to your recipient.
Are your books and ebooks available for purchase on Amazon?
We have a select group of popular titles available on Amazon, which you can view on our Amazon Author page. Be sure to Follow us to receive updates on new titles that launch on Amazon, including Amazon exclusives.
I ordered an ebook on, but I have not received my download. What should I do?
After purchasing an ebook on, you will receive an order confirmation email with a link to download your ePUB or ePDF file format. If you have not received an order confirmation email within 10 minutes, please check your spam folder, as sometimes an email may get stuck in spam. Even without the order confirmation email, you can still access your downloadable purchase by going straight to, logging into My Account, and navigating to My Downloadable Products.  Here you have unlimited downloads, at any time, of all of your downloadable purchases. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Customer Service team at 800-932-2145, Monday – Friday 8 am - 6 pm est. We will be happy to assist.